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WorkHound is a real-time feedback platform tailored for frontline workers and their employers. It facilitates the collection and response to anonymous feedback, offering analytics that provide deeper workforce insights, reduce turnover, improve employee retention, and boost profitability.
The dashboard section of the product displaying collected feedback was outdated, cumbersome, and offered a poor user experience. The UI, originally designed by software engineers, was based on assumptions rather than user research.
The solution was to conduct user research interviews to identify current pain points and determine if there was missing functionality or potential design improvements.
Engaged with customers and the customer success team to understand the current workflows in the legacy application. This helped identify the requirements and constraints for the new design.
Concept Designs
The UI showcases individual comment cards for worker feedback. The updated designs retain the essential information from the original layout but reorganize it for greater intuitiveness, improved labeling, enhanced functionality, and adherence to UX best practices.
Prototype & Test
I created a basic clickable prototype using Figma and tested it virtually with a small group of current dashboard users. I assigned them straightforward tasks and encouraged them to vocalize their thoughts and reactions as they completed each task. Based on their feedback, I iteratively refined the design.
Final Design & Handoff
The final design was completed in Figma with annotations for developers to follow.
Ultimately, the Product team deprioritized this project. Instead of a full redesign, I worked with the Product team to incorporate elements of the new comment card design into the legacy application. Although we didn't achieve the original goal, these smaller changes significantly improved the user experience.
There was a lot of information required to accompany each comment card within the interface. Because of that, it was important to group things together and create a hierarchy that made sense to the user and allowed them to easily take action on the feedback received as well as understand what action had already taken place.